The legend of the emergence and subsequent consumption of yerba mate goes back to the time when natives still lived in tribes and had no contact with other civilizations. One of the best known legends is that of Yari and Caa.
One day, at dusk, a strange being appeared. The color of their skin was rare and also their clothing, in relation to what they were accustomed...
“Long ago, a nomadic tribe decided to leave the region in which their people had lived since ancient times. However, there was an old man by the name of Yar who lacked the energy to follow his people. The tribe left Yar in the company of his daughter Yari, who refused to leave him behind. The old man built a primitive shelter with his own hands, and both continued their way of life within this wild and pristine environment.
One day, at dusk, there appeared a strange being. Its skin color and dress were different from what the father and daughter were accustomed to. Nevertheless, they treated the strange being with respect, selflessly offering their hospitality and the best food they had in their humble abode. As it turned out, the stranger had been sent by Tup, the good God. This good God wanted to bestow upon the old man and his daughter a present and a miracle. Thus he granted them magical powers, which provided them with the means to always receive and provide for their visitors, as well as help them survive the long periods of isolation. This blessing consisted of a new plant that would grow in the jungle—yerba mate. He taught them to prepare a stimulating and tonic beverage with this plant; over time this mate beverage would become a symbol to welcome guests who entered their home. Yari was anointed as the beautiful goddess protector (CaaYari) and her aged father, as its custodian.
His constant care and protection would always be bestowed on the plants. Thus, they succeeded in planting yerba mate infinitely. This legend presents a kind of symbiosis in the drinking of mate itself: a beautiful young women and an old skilled man transformed from mere mortals into gods for their working hands and generous hearts. Thus it is from the purest form of nature itself, from the heart of the yerba mate plantations that the gods protect us…”
One day, at dusk, there appeared a strange being. Its skin color and dress were different from what the father and daughter were accustomed to. Nevertheless, they treated the strange being with respect, selflessly offering their hospitality and the best food they had in their humble abode. As it turned out, the stranger had been sent by Tup, the good God. This good God wanted to bestow upon the old man and his daughter a present and a miracle. Thus he granted them magical powers, which provided them with the means to always receive and provide for their visitors, as well as help them survive the long periods of isolation. This blessing consisted of a new plant that would grow in the jungle—yerba mate. He taught them to prepare a stimulating and tonic beverage with this plant; over time this mate beverage would become a symbol to welcome guests who entered their home. Yari was anointed as the beautiful goddess protector (CaaYari) and her aged father, as its custodian.
His constant care and protection would always be bestowed on the plants. Thus, they succeeded in planting yerba mate infinitely. This legend presents a kind of symbiosis in the drinking of mate itself: a beautiful young women and an old skilled man transformed from mere mortals into gods for their working hands and generous hearts. Thus it is from the purest form of nature itself, from the heart of the yerba mate plantations that the gods protect us…”